Wednesday, October 10, 2018


It's difficult to make friends sometimes, and when we do we may either cling worried about them abandoning us or the relationship is superficial. Too often those who want real relationships get screwed over by the other person and find themselves having to resist the urge to mend the relationship. Recently I've had multiple falling outs with the same friend, and honestly, I feel so used. They blamed me for being honest when they'd ask me about my problems and trying to help them with theirs. I'm so tired of being used by them, as they have for years; I'm disappointed in myself for not stepping away from the toxic relationship. I keep giving and giving and keep getting nothing back. I am shattered from how they treated me, when I have been nothing but kind and did nothing but help them with whatever they needed, it really hurts me.
So I hope, that whoever reads this, please take the time to analyze your relationships, is it superficial or is it genuine? Are you a giver or a taker? Please take the time to ponder over if you are hurting yourself or others by being in certain relationships.

Til next time,
I. W.

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